My friend says her relationship with Jesus is fine

Jun 4, 2024    Aaron Chivington

Question: I have a friend who says she doesn't need to go to church to have a relationship with Jesus. How should I respond?

1. I praise God you are engaging with a friend helping them move towards Jesus. Way to go!

2. Ask her questions about what type of relationship she thinks Jesus wants to have. Does she think that Jesus wants nothing more than for her to believe that he exists? Then help her see that in the Bible Jesus already gave us the answer to what type of relationship he wants to have with us. He wants there to be nothing before him. He wants us to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Does she have that type of relationship with Jesus? I don't believe you can love Jesus with everything you have and not obey his commands to be part of his body, the church.